Community Engagement Council
The Community Engagement Council (CEC) is an established forum for the Project Cypress Team to solicit ongoing community input and feedback at every stage of project development. The CEC will have membership that is representative of potentially impacted communities and community groups located in Caddo or Bossier Parishes for Project Cypress Northwest or near Vinton and Lake Charles for Project Cypress Southwest. The CEC will serve for 2 year-long cycles at which time applications will open, and a new CEC will be seated.
The CEC will be composed of representatives from different communities to ensure that the project team is representative of potentially impacted communities and community groups.
All members of the CEC will receive compensation for their service.
To understand more about the roles and responsibilities of members of the Community Engagement Council, it is first important to define the variety of roles available.
A CEC member is a compensated, appointed, and formally recognized member of CEC. Members are individuals who applied for the role, were accepted, and can contribute their feedback and input on project developments.
A CEC observer is a non-compensated individual who is informed of all and can attend select CEC meetings but is not compensated nor formally recognized. While observers cannot participate in the CEC process, being an observer is a great way to stay up to date with what is happening with Project Cypress. Observers are likely candidates for future cycles of CEC members, so if you’re interested in joining the CEC, consider attending future meetings!
There will be at least two Project Cypress Representatives in attendance at each meeting: one from Battelle and one from either Climeworks or Heirloom. Their roles and responsibilities are similar to that of an observer. One of the representatives will serve as Lead Representative, serving as the designated point of contact for the CEC to the Project Team. Project Cypress Representatives will attend CEC meetings to provide project updates and listen to the discussions had by CEC members.
- Assist the project team in identifying and understanding community priorities and interests relevant to and/or affected by the project.
- Be aware of the high-level project schedule to determine when and how the CEC can provide inputs.
- Be briefed on site maintenance/safety considerations to (1) ensure the CEC is aware of safety and maintenance mechanisms, (2) be made aware of any reporting or plans on file with local emergency responders, and (3) be empowered to contact project developers and/or the Project Team /Partner if any concerns arise or anything is observed.
- Help develop a schedule, structure, and content for CEC meetings and community engagement events.
- Provide the public with a way to contact the Project Team through a key contact.
- Develop a public process to anonymously share concerns with the Project Cypress Lead Representative about the Project and work toward conflict resolution.
- Guide the Project Team in working with the community to address concerns over time that may arise like traffic congestion or noise during construction of the capture system and pipeline.
- Guide the Project Team in working to ensure the community is briefed on the final pipeline route, including the routing philosophy, safety and monitoring mechanisms, and operational.
- Address any emergent project concerns as they arise.